The gift of parent-teacher partnership.

Our cooperative preschool is administered and maintained by our parents, along with our teacher and director, on a nonprofit basis. Our parents aid our licensed teacher in the classroom as "helping parent" on a rotating schedule.  Helping parents execute activities, engage students in learning and play, and oversee snack, and clean-up. Our families have the opportunity to share in the operation of the school by becoming a board member or participating in special committee activities. This is the gift of the parent-teacher partnership, the ability to take part in a hands-on way in shaping your child's educational experience.


For Parents

The cooperative experience allows parents to actively participate in their child's education and development, and provides them the opportunity to watch their children learn and grow throughout the school year. Parents also meet and form relationships with other parents and their children, which establishes a true sense of community. Many lifelong friendships are formed during the early education years, and the cooperative preschool is truly a foundation for building these relationships.


Parent Participation & Expectations

Scheduled Helping Parent duties.

Provide snack and beverage for students on Helping Parent days.

Serve as a Board Member or participate on a committee.

Contribute to the cleaning and maintenance of classroom.

Attend the co-op parent meetings.

Participate in fundraising activities.

Pay monthly tuition on time.





The 4's Pre-K Class
9:00-11:15am Monday
9:00-11:15am Tuesday
9:00-11:15am Wednesday
OFF- Thursday
OFF- Friday

The 3's Preschool Class
OFF- Monday
OFF- Tuesday
OFF- Wednesday
9:00-11:00am Thursday
9:00-11:00am Friday

For Children

Your child will get to be the leader on their special day, allowing them to take on a different type of role with their peers. They will welcome the children to the classroom, demonstrate learning activities, assist the teacher with circle time activities, be the leader of their line to any scheduled out-of-classroom activities, and signal clean-up and snack time for their peers. Most importantly, they will have their parent or caregiver participating with them, actively involved in their learning. The children will continually practice their social skills of working together, sharing, expressing their emotions, and supporting and caring for their peers. They will also learn valuable lessons in patience, waiting, taking turns, and respecting others. 

At Suburban Co-op, we wholeheartedly believe in learning through play and hands-on activities. In our 3's program, the majority of your child's day is rooted in free-play, paired with a supervised craft or learning activity. As your child progresses to our 4's program, more Pre-K curriculum is incorporated to prepare them for Kindergarten (learning their phone number and address, working on early reading skills, etc.). Our children learn their fundamentals—numbers, letters, shapes, and colors—through crafts, art, music, role-playing, and movement. All of their activities reinforce what they're learning, making their first encounter with education fun and rewarding. 


Field trips and special activities

Your enriching cooperative preschool experience is waiting.